About Us
To provide a world class Immigration service
To provide an effective and efficient Immigration service to all our clients as guided by the Immigration Act chapter 4:02.
To administer the Immigration Act Chapter 4:02 on behalf of the Minister.
- Integrity
- Teamwork
- Commitment
The Department of Immigration falls under the Ministry of Home Affairs. Its mandate is to administer the Immigration Act, Chapter 4:02, 1996 Revised Edition and attendant Regulations of 1998 as amended, on behalf of the Government of Zimbabwe, in an efficient, impartial, transparent and accountable manner.
The main functions of the Department are built around two aspects of control and facilitation of movement of people into and out of the country. To do this effectively, the Department has established 28 border posts that include road and rail controls, city and town offices as well as airports and some informal crossing points.